How high can I raise my Virtual Pro’s attributes using XP in FIFA 20 Pro Clubs? Jul 2nd, 2019   [viewed 35 times]

Each attribute can be grown using Base Match XP or Bonus XP until it hits the attribute cap. Once an attribute has reached its cap, the only way to increase it further would be to purchase Traits, using Skill Points, as detailed later in this article. How high an attribute can grow from XP is determined by the Virtual Pro’s position and, in some cases, their height and weight. The attributes and the limits they can grow to with XP are detailed in a PDF, which you can download here.

What are Skill Points in FIFA 20 Pro Clubs?
Skill Points in Pro Clubs are used to obtain Traits to improve your Virtual Pro. Your Virtual Pro will start with 15 Skill Points and can continue to earn them by playing League Matches and Cup Matches.

How can I earn Skill Points in FIFA 20 Pro Clubs?
Skill Points can be earned in League Matches and Cup Matches. Your Virtual Pro can earn up to 110 Skill Points. 95 of those Skill Points can be earned from playing matches, while the other 15 are the initial Skill Points given to your Virtual Pro when you create them.

For the 95 points that are earned by playing matches, they are rewarded to the Virtual Pro after playing certain matches.

For example, let’s say that a Virtual Pro completes his 10th applicable Pro Clubs match. The Pro would have the 15 Skill Points from creation, 14 Skill Points awarded from previously completed matches, and the 5 Skill Points available from 10th match for a total of 34 Skill Points. After completing 100 applicable matches with your Virtual Pro, you will no longer be able to earn additional Skill Points.

What are Pro Clubs Traits, how do I get them, and what do they do?
Pro Clubs Traits in FIFA 20 Pro Clubs are unique abilities or attribute boosts that you can get with your Skill Points. Buying traits allows your Virtual Pro’s attributes to increase beyond the attribute caps. The details around each of the traits and what they will unlock for your Virtual Pro can be found in-game.

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